Monday, February 20, 2006

What is my future?

Recently, I have begin thinking what will be my future? Will I have a successful career, earning lots of money and be happy? Or will I have a successful family but lack a good career? In the past, I used to think that happiness cannot be brought with money. You cannot take on a job just because the job has high pay and lots of perks. You have to have passion for what you are doing. So I think that I will rather have a career rather than a job. I want to enjoy my work and be passionate about it. Now currently, I hated my job as a admin clerk. Why? It is meaningless and I feel that my brains are rotting from all this stupid work that I am doing. I don't even know the meaning of my work and I can't quit due to contract obligations.

However with recent events, I found out that it is an idealist dream. Do you think that everyone enjoys what he/she is doing? Also, I found out the trade-offs. What if you have low pay for the job that you liked? Will you still take it? Will you work 20 over years of your life for a miserly pay just because you like what you are doing?

So I thought about it a lot. Then I realised that I am an idealist. Idealists are basically dreamers who dream of a better place for the society to live in but is hardly achievable. Why not take a shot at it? So what if the pay is low? The most important thing is the passion for the job that I am doing, right? Finally, I decide to myself that in the future, I want to have a career not a job. I want to have a career which I am passionate about it, which makes me want to get out of bed everyday and work on it. I don't mind if it's low paying or long hours. I want to enjoy what I am doing. After all, life is too short. Seize every moment you can...

Au revoir

Friday, February 03, 2006

Lunar New Year suxz - My com spoilt

Arghh, I had a lousy lunar new year last weekend. I can't go out visiting our family relatives and friends coz my father had recently passed away. Chinese tradition deemed as those folks who go visiting during Chinese new year will pass their bad luck to their relatives and friends. So I have to stuck at home. Luckily, I thought my PC will be my source of company as I will be able to watch American TV shows like 'Sex and the City' and 'Grey's Anatomy'. But then, my worse luck came about as my PC spoilt. Of all the times to get spoilt, my PC has to choose this worse timing ever. Now my PC is fixed, all my downloaded shows have been wiped all. Shit, now I have to re-download the shows again...sighz

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I recently watched this movie during the CNY hols as my com is spoilt and can't go visiting (read above). I used to like Jack Neo's movies until one of his movie 'The Best Bet' really put me off for lousy storyline and very clumsy ending. Since then, I have avoided his subsequent movies until this one. I figured out, what's there to lose anyway?

However, this movie is quite good, surpassed my expectations which I have. I thought the storyline would be clumsy, weak and unentertaining. On the contary, the storyline was well-written out and had humourous moments at times. The acting from the young actors had definitely improved by leaps and bounds. This movie has many tearjerking moments, much like the movie, Titanic, so be prepared to bring lots of tissues. I find the tearjerking moments meaningful and well-protrayed, so much so that I was drawn into the movie, tearing my eyes away as I empathise with the protaganists.

Lovely movie to watch and spend your money worth this holiday to watch it with your friends and family...