Saturday, September 30, 2006

2 new shows

"With great powers come great responsibility"

This is famous statement from the Spiderman comics when Uncle Ben told Peter Parker before he passed away. With this comes a great new show from NBC this fall titled Heroes. It is a serial show about people all over the world discovering that they have superpowers and trying to deal with how this change affects their lives. There is a pretty 17 yr old cheerleader who can heal herself every time she is injured, meaning she could actually cheat death. Instead of finding her powers as a gift, she feels that she is a freak. On the other hand, there is a Japanese man who wishes that he is able to have superpowers and found the ability to freeze time and teleport to other places. He find his powers very fascinating and feels that he is special and gifted from others. There is a man who has the ability to paint images of the future provided he is high on drugs. I like this new show because it is like 'Lost' where the main characters have a certain 6-degree connection with each other. There is also a scientific mystery to the whole gifts where the character in the show theorizes that humans are undergoing another stage of evolution. Apparently, it could a scientific genetic experimentation where mutation occurs or some form of evolution where we are going up to a second level. Also, it touches on how humans are given the opportunity to choose whether to exploit the gift that they had or simply ignore it or use it for the good of others. How many times when we were young that we wish that we had some kind of superpowers? This show is certainty the one to watch during this fall.

"If I had to choose between a one-night-stand or time with these people? I choose them... " - Michael Scott

Also for comedy, I would recommend NBC The Office. It is an adaptation of the British comedy with the same title. This show follows the daily interactions of a group of idiosyncratic office employees via a documentary film crew's cameras. This is like Survivor meets Office Politics. Basically, the format of the show is like a documentary where they will show a day in the office. However, there will be behind the scenes interviews with the office workers where the workers will tell their true feelings and bitch about others in a comedic way. If you like the show Friends, you may not find this humorous as it is not a sitcom where funny lines are spurted out by the characters. The show plays on human cynicism, parody and quirky interactions with each other which can be pretty hilarious if you get the joke.

A summary of the characters

Regional manager Michael (Steve Carell) thinks he's the coolest, funniest, best boss ever - which, of course, makes him the uncoolest, most obnoxious and annoying boss as far as his staff is concerned. Steve Carrell is such a great comedian that he is able to portray the character. I always laughed when he is on the screen. He really deserve that Emmy.

His co-worker Jim (John Krasinski) lusts after engaged receptionist Pam (Jenna Fischer, Miss Match) when he's not sabotaging his cube-mate, the know-it-all Dwight (Rainn Wilson). Too bad, Jim move to another department when his love for Pam is unrequited. Dwight is also a funny character who thinks that he is the boss and is always right. The interactions between Dwight and Jim are really fun to watch as they bought so much laughter that brought tears to my eyes. Overall, it is a fun comedy to watch since the departure of Friends. I have attached some clips for a sneak peak where you can also find other clips @ the YouTube. Hope that these two shows will really brighten up your week...

On another note...argh...physics test today was a torture. I don't know whether I can pass the test or not. The physics test seems so easy and yet when I tried to do the questions, I couldn't even know whether it is a correct answer. The marks allocated were quite generous, so hopefully I will get a few marks here and there when I write my formulas and showed some workings. Now, have to study my chem as there is a test coming up next Thus...sighz...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The End of S’pore Idol???

Monday was the end of the season (finally!!) for the S'pore Idol which ended to Hardy Mirza getting the honour of being the second & most probably the last Idol should the producers decided to end the series. Congrats to him for beating Jonathan in the finals. The season has been too much of the lows and a huge disappointment compared to the last season. The final 12 contestants as a whole were a joke. Though there were good singers like Matilda, Hady and Gayle, contestants like Joachim were obviously proven that he can't sing to save his life. Paul Twohill started out strong during the beginning but declined so much he butchered Boyzone 'Picture of You' Somehow as he admitted, he lost his identity as a emo rocker during the spectaculars. Also, Jasmine didn't even deserved to be in the final three as she was not consistent in her performances and sang a Spice Girl song!! Which contestant would sing this song, man? She didn't really choose her songs properly. The one huge disappointment during the whole spectaculars was when Matilda got eliminated. She was clearly one of the few best singers in the competition and could really advanced further perhaps into the final three. Too bad, voters do not take up to her image and too many little girls voting for the cute guys resulting in Joachim and Paul staying.

It's a pity if S'pore Idol was to end. This is one show that Singaporeans from different races can have the opportunity to showcase their singing talents and pursue their dreams of being a singer. Some tweaks definitely should be made so that the next season can be more successful. Like the American Idol during the third season, ratings were going downhill and people were getting disinterested. However, with a few tweaks here and there, the next and fifth season proved to be a huge hit with the ratings. Similarly, there should be some tweaks made. One could be the introduction of guest singers to teach the Idols during the spectaculars and guest judges during the roadshow auditions and the finals.

I am looking forward to the next reality competition - the Dance Floor. The show looks promising and there is a wider age gap for participation which will ensure that that quality dancing esp from the older generation would be shown. I only hope that voting is free, unlike S'pore Idol so that different age groups, regardless of whether u are rich or poor, can vote w/o costing them a single cent. That way, then Singapore can truly decide.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Video Taken in Taiwan

Ok, I took this video when I was in Taiwan at the Sun Yat-Sen museum.

Monday, September 25, 2006

A little update


It's been two months since I last blogged. Wow, so much as happened in the world. Pluto had been demoted from the planetary system to a dwarf planet, Steve Irwin had passed away after a freak accident with a stingray (rest in peace, mate), Thaksin's government had been toppled and replaced with military rule, Katie Couric started work at CBS News, Singapore just ended hosting the IMF meeting recently...yah I get it, I got so lazy the past few weeks that I am not keeping up with the world events.

Anyway, just a little update for peeps out there, just started my undergraduate life in Nanyang. Before that, I actually had two options - Arts and Social Science in NUS or Engineering in NTU. A lot of my friends asked me why I chose NTU instead or NUS. I really dun noe the exact reason but I guess it's because I still dun wanna abandon my science background. All my life, I have studied science from sec sch to JC. To suddenly abandon it to pursue arts, I gueses it's not in my blood. Not to say, I dun like Arts subjects. I like History and Psychology. Perhaps I can take these subjects as my electives in my course at NTU.

Spanish is in my blood...heh!! Yup, I am currently learning Spanish in my school. It's fun to learn, quite easy to learn so far. Spanish has three verbs conjugations, so it's quite easy to learn compared to the other romantic languages. So next time I am in Spain or Latin America, check me conversing with the Latino and Spanish babes there in

Just a little pics of to show how "civic-minded" that Singaporeans can be!! Eating curry puffs in the MRT train as if it's the right thing to do! Such a disgrace and blantly rude for ignoring the 'No eating & drinking in the train' signs...